This document is covering the Backstage training curriculum and is divided in seven different sections presently available in Bulgarian, English, German, Italian and Norwegian. The sections are referring to the developed multilingual qualification matrix to secure that the core components of the qualification requirements are covered. At the same time the curriculum content is set in a context making it possible to organise the training independently of the matrix structure as such, opening for didactical flexibility and the use of an e-learning platform.
The Backstage project aims at enabling young people and staff to participate in a regular process of up-dating skills and engaging in Continuous Professional Development (CPD). CPD is relating to the employee’s role and competences and the strategic needs of the organisation, also enabling the organisation to develop the knowledge and skills it requires to match professional requirements. From a broader perspective CPD complements the more general Continuous Vocational Education and Training (CVET) being an expressed aim of the European policies for education, training and employment, also including Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
With the NEET perspective and the option of work based training, e-learning and RPL assessments, the awarding of certificates for being in compliance with the developed qualification matrix, a valuable contribution is provided to an individual’s career pathway, employment and life long learning.
The knowledge, skills and competencies for the main work tasks for a European Junior Backstage Technician have been described as aggregated units of learning outcomes under the headings listed in the Backstage matrix:
EU-BACKSTAGE -U1 Customer communication, requirements and requests
EU-BACKSTAGE -U2 Planning, calculation and building of scenes
EU-BACKSTAGE -U3 Lighting design and light board operation
EU-BACKSTAGE -U4 Sound system configuration and operation
EU-BACKSTAGE -U5 Special requirements and effects (electronics, video, ICT, pyrotechnics)
EU-BACKSTAGE -U6 Safety and security: Standards, fire prevention, evacuation and first aid
EU-BACKSTAGE -U7 Theatre management, logistic and organisation
EU-BACKSTAGE–U8 Transversal soft skills
EU-BACKSTAGE–U9 Environmental responsibility and sustainability
The compliance with these units of learning outcomes is defining the qualification of a European Junior Backstage Technician and will be awarded with a certification.
The report describes the analysis of the requirements of small and medium theatres (SMT) according to their technical staff (backstage technicians). For the analysis three different methods have been used. First, a secondary analysis of official and unofficial statistical data of the four partner countries. The statistical data mainly describes the situation of NEETs in the four countries but as well has an eye on labour market policy, population etc. Second, interviews have been held with experts in the four countries. The objective of the interviews was to receive a first general overview over the situation of SMT regarding backstage technicians. The results of the interviews lead to a review of the fundamental assumptions of the project as well as the design of the questionnaire for the survey. The survey is the key data source for the report. It contains statements on the size of the theatres, number of employees and education of the staff. Core element of the survey is the qualification required by SMT. Therefore the survey examined whether there was a general lack of skilled professionals and a specific in the participating theatres. The skills required and the suitability of training offers have been a part of the survey as well as the question for reforms of existing training offers.
Communication Manual
It shows the overall methodology and tools for implementing the communication activities of The Backstage project, contributing to the achievement of project outputs.
Manual for Reaching and Approaching NEETs
It is the second part of The Backstage Communication Plan. It has been elaborated in order to support partners in the specific communication activities for researching and approaching NEETs.